Friday, August 10, 2018

To my new house

On the way to Wassamu, we stopped at a rest stop with a garden. 
I took some pictures of the statues in it.

My house was bigger than I expected. When I got there, I tried opening the screen door and it immediately fell out of the frame. I had to spend a little while fixing it. Luckily I'm used to dealing with ill-fitting screen doors.
It's also right across from the convenience store, which is a Seven-Eleven, but unlike any Seven-Eleven in North America. I can see why people might just buy meals from the conbini instead of cooking.

Here are some pictures of the inside of my house. This is my cloth wardrobe.

Here's a tatami room. There are three of them around one central room that has a wooden floor.

Here's my bed. It's two mattresses on the floor with some blankets. I had to buy that blue pillow myself because the one that was provided was too hard. It was stuffed with grain husks or something.

The large main room has this kitchen. A sink, two burners, and a tray for grilling fish.

Next to the kitchen sink, there's this second sink with little shelves for toiletries.

There's a heater for the winter.

And this washing machine, which took me longer to figure out than it should have.

There's a small bathroom with this toilet. The sink on top turns on automatically after flushing. The water used to wash your hands fills up the tank to prepare for the next use.
The butt spray feature is quite nice.

And here's the shower room. Pretty standard. 
Wash yourself on the left side (there's a drain in the floor) then relax in the bath.
I probably won't use the bath part too often though. It takes a lot of water to fill.

I hung up Andrea's drawing of me and my buddies in the main room. 
What a nice picture. Really brings the room together.

I totally forgot to take pictures of the outside of the house.

1 comment:

  1. Yay group photo!
    Not a fan of the butt spray but I like their tub-showers.
    Japanese 711's are awesome
