Thursday, September 6, 2018


So yesterday there was a typhoon, and today there was an earthquake.
6.7 magnitude at the epicentre, a major one. It was weaker out where I was, but people still felt it.
Not me. I managed to sleep right through it (it was at like 3 am) but I woke up to my phone exploding with messages.
Power went out over the whole island. Classes were cancelled in some cities. Not mine, though they decided to cancel tomorrow's. The elementary school must have set up their own generator or something, because they got power to the staff room halfway through the day.

There were crowds at the convenience store. I went there in the evening just to take a look and half the shelves were empty. People panic easily.

The stars are beautiful at night when there are no lights on at all.

They warn that another earthquake could happen. There's just no knowing if the pressure is relieved yet. Even cell towers went down because they were running on back up batteries. Estimations of when power would come back were anywhere from 24 hours to a week.

Luckily, power just came back on in my city. At 2 am, after bumbling my way to the bathroom in complete darkness (gotta buy a flashlight) I found my way back to bed when suddenly the outside street lamps turned on. Great timing!

Where there's light, there's hope. I hope the disasters are over with for now.

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