Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sports Festival

It's sunny! The plants are out and the daily temperatures are in the mid-20s.
 On Saturday the junior high school had its Sports Day. The kids have been training for it for two weeks.
 Red team and Blue team.
 All the families have their tents out in the field.
 The 100m dash.
 The boys' 200m race.
 The cool make your outdoor life living.

 High schoolers get to throw javelins, but the junior high students throw these lawn dart-like things with rubber tips, for safety.
 Look how high that one went!
 The group jump rope contest.
 Red won with 35 or so jumps in a row.
 A game where the kids see which team can get the most people on the platform before someone falls.
 Each new person stands on the middle platform, then jumps on the group platform. Red won again. Blue actually had a lot of space left but the kids squished too close to the edge and fell.
 The visiting elementary school students also got to run a short race.

 The dance contest.


 The blue team's flag features ice Mario.
 The red team's flag has fire Mario.
 A variation on the three-legged race, the centipede race has everyone's ankles tied to those of the person in front of them.
 The blue team tripped a lot.

The blue team's skill must be in speed, because despite losing the tug-of-war, jump rope contest, centipede race, and box jumping games, blue still beat red overall.
Sports Day was fun, but it didn't have a lot of the games I've seen in anime, like the bread-eating race, the scavenger hunt race, beanbag throwing, or the famous cavalry battle.
I think I got a sunburn.

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